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Why You Eat What You Know Isn't Good for You

Ever wonder why you can't seem to give up certain foods? Dig into why this condition is so common with type 2 diabetes and what you can do TODAY to start combating it. 


Written by Medina Henry

Owner | QueenEatz Nutrition

Diabetes and Food Addiction

Food addiction is when the need to eat becomes compulsive or uncontrollable.

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Believe it or not, food addiction is extremely common for those living with pre-diabetes & diabetes. This addictive eating happens because the foods we eat contain addictive ingredients. Some of the most common culprits are pastries = sugar, soda = sugar, and fast food = (believe it or not), sugar.


The link between sugar and addictive behavior is tied to the fact that, when we eat sugar, the brain releases dopamine & opioids. When a certain behavior causes an excess release of dopamine, you feel a pleasurable “high” that you are inclined to re-experience, which causes you to repeat the behavior.

As you repeat that behavior more and more, your brain releases less dopamine. The only way to feel the same “high” as before is to repeat the behavior in increasing amounts and frequency. (Sounds freakishly similar to that of a drug addict, right?) Sugar also activates the opiate receptors in our brain and affects the reward center. This leads to compulsive behavior or the inability to stop a certain behavior regardless of the negative consequences like weight gain, hormonal imbalances, & headaches.


So how do we break this food addiction?


Simple, Cut. It. Out.


Start breaking away from food addiction by removing the ADDED (refined) SUGAR from your diet.


Sugar found in nature is surrounded by fiber. Fiber prevents this natural sugar from hitting the bloodstream so rapidly, resulting in a shorter blood sugar response while it also aids in fullness so you actually feel the need to stop eating.


The less added sugar you consume, the more your tastebuds change.

Soon you'll no longer have the uncontrollable desire to consume food or drinks containing this addictive substance.






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